연인 퀼트가방만들기 Quilt bag Quilt tutorial Free pattern

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Hello ~ It is REDQUILT.

I made a nice bag ~
It took me a while to make this bag.

Put a patch and applique into the bag, and a pretty design is completed.
But it takes a lot of effort and time to do both.
I am proud of the size of the bag, applique, and patches.

This bag is suitable for the size and the upper part is zippered and practical. If you make this room, you probably want to go out with the bag every day.

Applique is a girl and boy talking together.
It is very beautiful to talk in the place where the tree is.

The sides were various fabrics. When you use various kinds of fabrics, it is difficult to find a matching fabric. But I am looking for a matching fabric, and when it is finished, a very beautiful work is completed.

When you do quilts, always spend a lot of time and quilt. Quilting is a task that should never be done quickly. Slowly, slowly, please slow down.

When making this bag, you have to think carefully about the order of the front applique. And when you zip up, take a good look at folding the fabric over the cotton. It will help you.
There are many ways to make zipper parts. I'm trying to tell you how to use various methods of zipper ~ I will always try.

Download this PDF file. 

The video is on YouTube.


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